Cool and Healthy: Morphum's contribution to Melbourne's Urban Forest Strategy

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Morphum Environmental was engaged by the The Nature Conservation (TNC) to provide a series of spatial data assessments and remote sensing capabilities. For this project, TNC partnered with 100 Resillient Cities who encourage global cities such as Melbourne to become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are constantly faced in the 21st century.  This project was undertaken within the greater context of the Urban Forest Strategy, an initiative designed to mitigate the increasing effects of climate change, population growth and urban heating on the City of Melbourne. The importance of urban forest mapping and management has become of paramount importance when considering the modern urban environment as it directly translates to the health and liveability of a city.

For this project, Morphum managed and reviewed satellite and LiDAR rastar datasets, mosaicking and automating clippings of rastar data and subsequently formatted both datasets for further processing. Finally, the data was processed using Trimble eCognition, utilising an optimised workflow to generate the final outputs.

This project was separated into deliverable work packages. These packages consisted of

1. The management, review and mosaicking of existing datasets

2. Using eCognition to create a vector-based vegetation dataset, through 5 height bands.

3. A detailed assurance of the quality of the outputs.

Morphum is proud to contribute to the Urban Forest Strategy and sees it to be an important initiative that must be undertaken by global cities if they are to remain resilient to the compounding effects of climate change, population growth and urban heating.